Saturday, April 17, 2010

Journal Four: Playing with Skype

Weller, T. (2010). Playing with skype. Leading and Learning with Technology, 36(7), Retrieved from Lindsay, J. (2010). Navigate the digital rapids. Leading and Learning with Technology, 37(6), Retrieved from Bull, G. (2010). Finding students who learnd with media. Leading and Learning with Technology, 37(5), Retrieved from

Logistics makes it very difficult for composures of school band music to interact with the students that actually play the music and the audience that hears that music. With the help of technology, that bridge can be crossed. Using Skype a composer in Pennsylvania was able to address an eight grade band and speak for 45 minutes discussing copyright laws, the music business and censorship.

The equipment needed to such interaction is minimal. An internet connection, computer, microphones, a data projector and some adapters are all it takes to hook up Skype. Composers could also be connected to the students in the band during concerts as well. While appearing live via Skype composers can make the introduction for their pieces or have an interactive discussion with the students and audience prior to the band playing.

Skype is very user friendly and allows teaches to connect with experts in their field and invite them into their classroom. This obviously has significant benefits for the students.

Does it cost to use Skype?

There is a free version of Skype that can be used from the web site. It just takes a few steps to signup and a few minutes to install the software and then you are ready to go.

Why isn’t this technology being used more by teachers?

Many teachers are either unaware of the benefits of this technology or are afraid to use it. With time more and more teachers will become more comfortable with the technology that is at their finger tips.

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