Friday, April 16, 2010

Journal One: The Beginners Guide

Zanetis, Jan. (2010). The Beginners guide to interactive virtual field trips. Leading and Learning with Technology, 37(6), Retrieved from

In the article "The Beginners Guide to Interactive Virtual Field Trips" the author points out how field trips can be used as a break from the day to day classroom activities and offer real world experiences relating to the curriculum being taught. Unfortunately, even local field trips are rarely used do to escalating travel costs. Virtual field trips (VFTs) can offer the same benefits as traditional field trips but without the costs. They utilize the Internet to bring students closer to remote locations and experts in many different areas. There are two kinds of VFTs; asynchronous and interactive synchronous.

Asynchronous are not delivered in real time. They include text, audio or video resources about specific topics and content. Because they are not in real time the quality and educational value can vary. Interactive VFTs take place take place "live", where students in one location learn form instructors from a different location. This kind kind of VFT requires video conferencing equipment that many schools already have.

VFTs give teachers the chance to expose their students to a world beyond their school limits. Students are allowed to interact with curators, wildlife naturalists, scientists, historians and other students from around the globe. VFTs also make learning the material more interesting and enjoyable.

What grade levels are VFTs geared towards?

VFTs are targeted to the students area and grades so they can be used K-12. There are VFT aggregator sites that have VFT programs for all levels. Teachers can obtain materials and activities for the students to use before and after the VFT.

What if my school doesn't have a the necessary video conferencing equipment?

Some videoconferencing equipment vendors may be willing to bring in the equipment and let the school use it as part of a demonstration for the school. There are also grants ans assistance programs available for purchasing this equipment.

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